DISABILITY SUPPORTWe work with a variety of individuals
24-HOUR LIVE-IN CAREWe offer professional help and support
24-HOUR CALL OUTOur staff can be reached at any time of day
The Impact of COVID On Our Industry – The Facts
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a profound impact on people receiving and providing domiciliary care services in England. Since March 2020, there have been over 30,500 more UK deaths among care home residents than we would normally expect.
Care workers are among the occupational groups at highest risk of COVID-19 mortality, with care home workers and home carers accounting for the highest proportion (76%) of COVID-19 deaths within this group.
Throughout March and April, there was a significant reduction in hospital admissions among care home residents. Elective admissions reduced to 58% of the 5-year historical average plus emergency admissions to 85% of the 5-year historical average. By reducing admissions, care home and NHS teams may have reduced the risk of transmission, but this has also increased unmet health needs.
During March and April, discharges from hospitals to residential care homes were 75% of the historical average, while discharges from hospitals to nursing homes increased to 120% of the historical average. These difficult decisions to discharge patients were made in an urgent and uncertain context but may have played a role in transferring risk to the social care system.
Information is taken from Health.org.uk
How is Michael Rgis Care Conforming
Michael Rgis Care takes its role in adopting and enforcing COVID measures in line with the Coronas Virus Act 2020
We have aligned our services, procedures and safety measures to protect both staff and clients to meet the following legislative requirements:
- The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020
- Civil Contingencies Act 2004
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
- Equality Act 2010
- Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Registration and Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Regulations 2015
- Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
As part of our transparency as a business, Michael Rgis Care is taking responsibility in conformity and regularly reviewing our Coronas Virus Policy and Procedures.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this, please get in touch with our team who will be happy to assist you.