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Q&A: How Individual Care Plans Are Person-Centred Work

Whilst a universal approach to health care works for a large part of the population, it doesn’t work for everyone. Those with more complex needs, or in managed long-term care, require a more individual approach. Providing the best health care begins with listening to the unique needs of the patient.
This is the basis of person-centred care. Often, we think of carers working for a person. Person-centred care involves health professionals working with patients, tailoring care to the individual, and giving them the confidence, skills and advice to make informed decisions about their health.


woman checking up on an elderly woman


The Care Plan: the Core of Person-Centred Care


Person-centred care can be hard to define, because at its core is the idea that the best approach to care is different for every individual. At Michael Rgis Care Services, our approach begins with a visit to a client to discuss and create their care plan. Now is a good time to explain how using an individual’s care plan contributes to working in a person-centred way. A care plan will cover the routines, needs and preferences of the client. With a fuller understanding of the patient’s needs, we can provide care from day one that is tailored to them.

However, a person’s care plan will carry on to inform their care well after the first day. Our team of caregivers will be able to access the care plan to understand a client’s needs and routine. This can include things like medication times. Also, at the end of each visit, our carers will complete a report that gives a clear picture of the care given. The next carer’s visit can draw on the plan and reports to gain a better idea of the patient’s needs. For example, if a different member of our caregiving team visits, they can quickly get up to date with the kind of care they need to provide.

The use of plans and reports helps us keep our clients’ care reliable but adaptable. Each visit gives us a chance to learn more about a patient’s needs and evolve our approach around their changing circumstances. Ultimately, a person-centred approach helps us deliver happier and healthier domiciliary care.


Michael Rgis Care Services: Driven by Dedicated Carers

Our use of plans and reports goes some way to explain how using an individual’s care plan contributes to working in a person-centred way. Of course, delivering the best person-centred care depends on more than a plan. The very best care is about friendly, compassionate individuals listening and learning from their clients. At Michael Rgis Care Services we provide our staff with regular training to ensure that every one of our carers is qualified for the role. Our team-building sessions also promote a caring community of adaptable, aware individuals.

Each moment in care is different. There are different patients, different needs, and different days. Our approach allows us to deliver regular personalised care, and rise to meet urgent care situations with compassion and professionalism.

Why not use Michael Rgis Care Services as your primary care provider?

We are a company guided by values and ethics, and proud of our high standards across our services. Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can support your needs.


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